Docs Code Cookbook

Code Cookbook


MVC implementation for writing individual modules with the classical Model-View-Controller structural pattern. Lightweight experimental MVP is provided as well.

Module example with service locator

Model config

Stateful command config

Asynchronous command example with injections

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Inversion of Control system to make multi-modular applications. You can have an extremely powerful DSL layer (Domain Specific Language), where you can connect togethet any modules, components and describe any dependency, behavior between them.

Parsing DSL at compile-time

Parsing DSL at runtime

Simple example

Building dynamic object

Passing arguments to constructor

Injection by using references

Injection and method call

Singleton instantiation

Factory instantiation

Factory instantiation using singleton

XML type parsed

Array containing references

Building an HashMap

Module listening another module

Module listening another module with adapter strategy

Class reference

Building a service locator

Building a mapping configuration with mapped service classes

Module listening a service

State machine configuration

Module listening service with adapter strategy and module injections

Redefining application context class

Listening application context states changes

Conditional parsing



Read xml at compile time with preprocessing

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DSL toolkit


Powerful and easy-to-use Dependency Injection system based on @annotations. It supports property, method and constructor injections predefined in injector mappings.

Simple example

Properties injection

Constructor injections with one named and optional

Method injections with named dependencies

Postconstruct methods

Predestroy methods

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Extendable UnitTest runner with the basic assertions. It works well together with any mocking and assertion system. FlexUnit and JUnit like syntax.

How to run framework tests inside the browser

How to run tests with NodeJS (you can mix tests classes with suites)

How to test only one method

Suite example (you can mix tests classes with suites)

Test example

Asynchronous test example

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Service layer extension for hexMVC to separate service communications. It has all typical predefined service behaviors like: configuration, success, fail, cancel, timeout, etc.

Simple HTTP Service

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Easy-to-use utilities for reading and writing @annotation data.

Simple example

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Fast class description builder to output lightweight reflection data and replace rtti (class description parsing at compile time)


Powerful easy-to-use StateMachina system based on Martin Dowler’s implementation. It saves you from a lot of issue with invalid states of your application.

Simple example

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Common core libraries that everyone needs in everyday developments like: exceptions, dispatcher, logging system, utils, etc.

Dispatcher example

EventDispatcher example

Simple logger example

Logger example with proxy layout

Locator example

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