HaxeDevelop / FlashDevelop is the recommended IDE for Haxe development. You can download the latest version from haxedevelop.org or you can take a look at our development branch with many bug fixes and improvements.
You can download the latest version directly from DoclerLabs Github
The hexDevelop package contains some code templates, plugins and a project template for hexMachina:
The project template allows you to create a new hexMachina project within seconds in HaxeDevelop / FlashDevelop.
The code templates help to reduce boilerplate code and allow to automatically generate Modules, Models, IViews and much more directly in HaxeDevelop / FlashDevelop.
The hexUnit plugin adds unit testing within HaxeDevelop / FlashDevelop. This way, you can run your unit tests within your favourite IDE and look at the nicely formatted results.
The DSLCompletion plugin allows many things that work within Haxe code to work in DSL too.
Auto-completion type in DSL
Auto-import haxe classes in DSL
Goto haxe class definition from DSL
Goto method-call definition from DSL
Goto static-ref definition from DSL
Open DSL file from haxe class
Open DSL file from another DSL
The Yeoman plugin allows to run Yeoman generators from within HaxeDevelop / FlashDevelop. To use it, just right click any folder and select "Add" -> "New Yeoman File".
After that, you should be asked to select a generator.
Also, there is a Yeoman generator available to ease creating new projects:
First of all, you need Node.js and npm (automatically installed with Node.js). After that, you just install "yo":
npm install -g yo
The last thing you have to install is the generator itself, so just run:
npm install -g https://github.com/DoclerLabs/generator-hex.git
Just run one of the following commands in a terminal / console window (or even better, from within HaxeDevelop / FlashDevelop using the Yeoman plugin) and follow the instructions.
Generating a project
If you want to generate a project, you just run:
yo hex:project
Generating files
You can generate the following files within an existing project.
Make sure to run them from within the directory you want to create them in (usually a subfolder of your source folder).
yo hex:module
yo hex:model
yo hex:viewhelper
The Yeoman templates are configured to work best, when run from the hexDevelop package.