Category News


IDependencyOwner, check dependency injection at compiletime

Let’s highlight one new feature arrived with hexMachina 0.22.0.


With this new feature is possible to check injector dependencies at compiletime. With @Dependency metadata is possible to declare mapping dependencies on classes that implements hex.di.mapping.IDependencyOwner,

@Dependency( var _:String )
@Dependency( var name:InterfaceWithGeneric<String> )
@Dependency( var _:Void->Void, hex.di.mock.MockConstants.NAME_ONE )
class DependencyOwner implements hex.di.mapping.IDependencyOwner
	var _injector = new Injector();
	public function new() {}
	public function getInjector() : IDependencyInjector return this._injector;

In this example, DependencyOwner request mapping of :

fromType withName
String no name
InterfaceWithGeneric<String> “name”
Void->Void the value of hex.di.mock.MockConstants.NAME_ONE

Mapping Could be provided by code with static Extension hex.di.util.MappingDefinitionUtil.addDefinition:

var f2 = function() {};
var mapping : MappingDefinition = { fromType: "String", toValue: "test" };
var mappings : Array<MappingDefinition> = [
	{ fromType: "hex.di.mock.types.InterfaceWithGeneric<String>", toClass: ClazzWithGeneric, withName: "name" },
	{ fromType: "Void->Void", toValue: f2, withName:hex.di.mock.MockConstants.NAME_ONE }

var dependencyOwner = new DependencyOwner();
dependencyOwner.addDefinition( [mapping].concat( mappings ) );

var injector = dependencyOwner.getInjector();

Or in DSL through the constructor like :

@Dependency( var _			:String )
@Dependency( var id			:Interface )
@Dependency( var anotherID	:Interface )
class AnotherDependenciesOwner implements IDependencyOwner
	var _injector = new Injector();
	public function new( mapping : MappingDefinition, mappings : Array<MappingDefinition> ) {}
	public function getInjector() : IDependencyInjector return this._injector;
@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
	s = "test";
	mapping1 = mapping({fromType: "String", toValue: s});
	mapping2 = mapping( {fromType: "hex.mock.Interface", toValue: new hex.mock.Clazz(), withName: "anotherID"} );
	mappings = new Array<hex.di.mapping.MappingDefinition>
		mapping( {fromType: "hex.mock.Interface", toClass: hex.mock.Clazz, withName: "id", asSingleton:true} )

	owner = new AnotherDependenciesOwner( mapping1, mappings );

To go further