Category News


0.28.0 - @parser and code.clone()

Let’s highlight some new feature on this new release.

Custom parser can be declared in flow DSL with @parser metadata

Added in 0.24.0, custom parser can now be directly added in DSL file with @parser flow keyword. Few custom parser examples in hexDSL.

@context( name = 'applicationContext' )
@parser( hex.compiletime.flow.parser.custom.AddParser )
	s = add( "hello", space, "world", space, "!" );
	space =  " ";
	i = add( 6, five );
	five = 5;
	p = add( p1, new hex.structures.Point( 3, 4 ), p2 );
	p1 = new hex.structures.Point( 5, 5 );
	p2 = new hex.structures.Point( 3, 4 );

Code compilation can be cloned with unique assembler reference

Requested for a long time, we can now run the same application few times in the same place without scope problems. ApplicationAssembler is now used as a unique key. More than that, we can manually duplicate DSL with the new clone method.

var code = StaticFlowCompiler.compile( assembler, "context/flow/dsl.flow" );
var clonedCode = code.clone( new ApplicationAssembler() );

Assert.isInstanceOf( code.locator.instance, MockClassWithoutArgument );
Assert.isInstanceOf( clonedCode .locator.instance, MockClassWithoutArgument );
Assert.notEquals( code.locator.instance, clonedCode .locator.instance );

To go further